Monday, December 16, 2019

A Cake for every situation

Just want to acknowledge Apri van Eyk who has put so much effort into making band feel more than a band, we are family to each other.  it is usual for Apri to bake lovely cakes and donuts for mid break and on special occasions she has worked her wonders by making beautiful cakes to celebrate the band and the special people in it. Thank you Apri for you wonderful baking from all of us at the Auxiliary Band.

Cake to celebrate the band's successes at nationals. Being second in NZ for D Grade bands is awesome.
Musical Director Te Red Hughes cutting the cake

Hamilton Auxiliary Brass Band celebrating - let them eat cake.

Walter has his birthday at every nationals, this year he had a special cake to celebrate in July. 

Apri made a birthday cake for Leighton

Dave (band supporter) had a birthday in September, seen with Anessa and Leighton.

And a cake to round off the year at Christmas time :)

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Brass Factory and Auxiliary Play out in the Park

The Brass Factory and Auxiliary Band had one final play out in the park opposite the band hall. This was a great opportunity to show our friends and family the progress each band has made. Before this took place the Auxiliary Band had an attempt at marching at the park... in prep for nationals 2020. (post to be updated). Thank you to Richard Lummus for supplying photographs from this day.

Left, Right, Left Right or was it Right, Left, Right Left?

Malcolm taking Brass Factory through their pieces

A large audience of family and friends

Front row cornets: Quinn, Stevie, Lizzie, Amelia

Front Row Cornets: Quinn, Stevie, Lizzie, Amelia, Leo

Amelia and Leo

Bass: Leighton

Anessa on trombone

Te Reo Hughes taking Auxiliary and Brass Factory through their paces. 

Ema on bass

Samantha on tenor horn

Alex on percussion

Mixed and matched: Walter, Quinn, Dana, Amelia and Blake.... In background: Robbie in the white hat

Back row cornets, Lizzie, Quentin, Rowan, Sarah

Trombones from front: Josh, Robert, Sandra, Anessa, Lynn and Cameron

Ema, Cameron, Lynn and Natalie (standing)

Tom on tenor horn

Cameron, Lynn, Robert (Bass Troms)

Natalie playing tamborine

Robbie and Stevie

End of the performance

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hamilton City Brass Band Prize Giving 2019

The Band Prize giving theme was "Under the Sea" and there were mermaids, sea captains, jellyfish, seaweed, and others as you will see.

Congratulations to prize winners: 
Colin and Barbara Smith Award: Malcolm Barr
Bands Person of the Year A Grade: Te Reo Hughes
Bands Person of the Year Auxiliary: Apri Van Eyk
Most improved A Grade: Natalie Garcia-Gil
Most improved Auxiliary: Tom Evans
Most improved Brass Factory: Quinn
Highest Attendance A Grade: Ross McAdam
Highest Attendance Auxiliary: Walter Hughes, Leighton Ginever, Sandra Ginever
Highest Attendance Brass Factory: Quinn
Section of the Year A Grade: Basses
Section of the Year Auxiliary: Percussion

Long Service awards: Mike Rogers, Sergio Marshall, Geoff Ledger, Ben Burnell, Mason Elliott 

Brass Factory organiser and A Grade cornet player Tracey Seifert 

Malcolm Barr - the Captain of the "Under The Sea" themed prize giving... he was also AKA Mr Smith, the captain of the Titanic for the night and did a superb job as the MC for the evening.
Walter Genefaas - President of the Hamilton City Brass Band organisation  

Colin Smith sharing his tribute to his wife Barbara who used to accompany players. Malcolm Barr received the inaugural award for the Colin and Barbara Smith award for outstanding services to the band organisation - for his effort to organise and manage the NZ Brass Band Nationals 2019 in Hamilton.

Brass Factory certificates for players in the beginners/development band

Brass Factory Highest attendance and most improved player: Quinn

Highest attendance Auxiliary: Walter, Sandra, Leighton presented by Blake

Geoff receiving his long service award

Sergio receiving his long service award

Most improved A Grade player: Natalie

Mike Rogers receiving his long service award

Auxiliary MD: Te Reo Hughes 

Auxiliary MD Te Reo with Zeelia (Representing the percussion team for the Auxiliary band)

A Grade MD Glenn Richards

Section of the year A Grade: Basses

Bands person of the year A Grade

Bands person of the year Auxiliary: Apri

Long service awards: Mike, Sergio, Geoff, Ben, Mason

Play out for Friends and Family - Christmas tunes, solos and a family band.

After a year of many rehearsals, the merry cherry and bright came to town with our friends and family play out. We invited guests to watch t...